Here at Honeycomb Vapor Works we reinvented the way you use concentrates. We decided that extracts don’t have to be a hassle anymore our design is based around that idea. So we developed the best way to consume virtually every extract on the market. We are focused on flavor, effectiveness, and efficiency these features truly shine bright with our vapor disk. No more preheating, no more carb caps, no more over the top contraptions that are just not practical for out of the house. Simple and familiar our design makes dabbing easy and enjoyable for everyone everywhere.

Step 1. Put your favorite extract on the center of the vapor disk.

Step 2. Start drawing air slightly before applying the torch DIRECTLY to the disk. This step is very important because the vapor disk works on convection so you must be moving air along with the heat to activate it. The disk will glow orange when activated, as soon as the disk activates you can remove the torch.

Step 3. Draw air steady and DO NOT PUFF do this until you don’t get any more vapor smoke. The disk is designed to clear itself so no need to pull an attachment out of a waterpipe or cover a carb or anything.

Step 4. ENJOY!!!!!

The video below will demonstrate how it works. We highly recommend using the torch in our shop, but most torches will work just fine to activate the disk. So now that you know how it works its time to start enjoying the newest way to consume your favorite extracts.